Sabtu, 23 September 2017

Women's Safety Tips - The Most Important Word to Delete When Teaching Kids & Teens About Safety

As women, we are often responsible for teaching kids and teens about personal safety and there is one word that must deleted from our vocabulary to do it effectively. This one word has been used so often it is a habit for most of us; a habit that doesn't mean anything and doesn't even absorb into the subconscious mind, which is why it gets people killed every day. That one word is "don't."

    "Don't" is one of the most dangerous words in the english language and puts people of all ages in jeopardy every hour of every day.

The reason for the danger of this word is that the subconscious mind (the mind tells our body what to do) does not understand it because it can't visualize not doing something. It can visualize doing something else, which is why we must express what TO do instead. This fact is serious enough to be taught by every teacher and should be a top story on every news broadcast but instead, "don't" is used relentlessly by the very people who are baffled by its ineffectiveness.

Have you ever wondered why you told someone not to do something and they did it anyway? Did you think they were trying to make you mad or purposely go against your wishes? Maybe, but chances are much higher that they got a picture in their mind of doing exactly what you told them not to do. Negative words like "don't," "not," "no" and "never" cannot be visualized and so they are ignored.

    Danger: the subconscious mind takes in everything as if it is the truth; as if it is a viable option.

So, as we teach kids and teens (and other adults, for that matter) about safety, it is vital that we teach what TO do instead of what not to do. This cuts the communication in half and only provides the correct and safest option.

Scary Example: What if your 10 year old learns 10 things about a specific dangerous situation and eight of the ten things are what not to do while only two of the ten things are what TO do? All ten things learned enter the subconscious mind as viable options. That means, should that situation arise, your child only has a 20% chance of choosing the right thing to do.

So when you teach kids and teens about personal safety, make sure and focus on what TO do and delete the word "don't" from your vocabulary.

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