As women, we are usually the "safety monitors" for our families and teaching kids and teens about safety is easier than you might think.
Here's the deal. Attackers are insecure, out of control (of their own life) people with low self-esteem looking for someone weaker to control. Pretty simple, eh? They can be either gender, any age and may attack verbally, mentally, emotionally or physically.
So all your child or teen needs to do is to repel the majority of attackers is portray themselves as confident and in control of their life. This is because the motive of every attacker is a power fix. Common sense tells them to pick someone weaker in order to control them. Note: this doesn't mean the victim selected is weak, just that he or she looks weak.
For example: You can be the captain of the football team and have a bazillion friends but if you're walking around distracted by a cell phone conversation, you look weak.
So here's what to teach your kids and teens:
ALWAYS trust your gut feelings; they are always right regardless of whether they make sense or not.
ALWAYS look around to notice your surroundings; prevention is 90% awareness.
ALWAYS have a plan; what to do if things go your way and what to do if they don't.
Moms, delete the words "no" and "don't" from your vocabulary if you want to teach your family effective safety skills; or anything else for that matter. Only say what to do if you want it to stick.
Your kids and teens are responsible for their own safety so let them know you trust them by saying two things when you part: "I love you" and "choose wisely."
Enjoy teaching your kids and teens about safety with strictly positive lingo. Remember, any time you use a negative when speaking to someone, you're instantly in opposition. Is that really what you want when communicating with your kids and teens about safety?
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